
Component IDEStart

This application is able to load all XotclIDE from DB
therefore is is not depend on another XotclIDE components.

You can load IDE form Database only with this applikation

Here are also some redundant code the same as in IDEBaseGUI


package require IDEStart
IDEStarter startIDEFromDB
Classes Classes Hierarchy Objects

Class IDEDBConnectDialog

parameter: {type okcancel} {interface {}} {connectArgs {}} connectionObject
actionCancel {}
actionOk {}
buildMainWindow {}
cleanUpAfterSignal {}
destroy {}
getConnectionArguments {}
getInterface {}
init {}
makeModelessDialog {}
prompt {}
setConnectionToDB {}
signalFree {}
suspendUntilSignal {}
setConnectionOn {object connectArgs}

Class IDEDBConnectFrame

parameter: win connectionObject connectArgs
getConnectArgs {}
init {}

Object IDEPreferences

Hanlde preferences of xotcl

on unix the preferences are saved as hile .xotclide in home dictionary
on windows the registry are used.

Now the preferences are only used to specify data base
connection for version system.
The prefereces can by set by installation tool


getDBLoginParameters {args}
getParameter {key}
loadPreferences {}
prefFileName {}
savePreferences {}
setDefaultPreferences {}
setParameter {key param}
windowsLoadPrefs {}
windowsRegKey {}
windowsRegistryKey {}
windowsSavePrefs {}

Object IDEStarter

This object handle starting xotclide from differents context
It read also the line arguments that can influence starting process or
cause specified actions.
The IDEStater can by used to load another application from Version System.
It has the rolle of starting module for thin client systems.

Followin Starting options are possibly.
1. Starting from source without Version System
2. Starting from source with Version System
3. Starting from Version System with Version System
4. Starting from foreign Application (IDE as debbuging tool)
5. Loading and Starting foreign application from version system (data base)


argumentsDescription {}
closeWaitDialog {}
coreComponents {}
dumpCompId {id}
dumpConfId {id}
establishDBConnection {}
getComponentBody {componentid}
getComponentsForConfigmapId {id}
getConfigMapBodyDeep {id}
getConnectionObject {}
getObjectBody {objectid objName}
getSubconfigsForId {id}
initProcWrappersStruct {}
initializeAfterLoad {}
isDevelopingMode {}
loadComponent {name componentid}
loadIDECoreFromDB {}
loadObject {objectid objName compName}
loadPreferences {}
parseCommandLineArgs {}
setWaitDialog {}
showHelpAndExit {}
startConfId {id}
startIDEFromApp {}
startIDEFromDB {}
Start Up System with Database loaded from Database (selfdevelop mode)
startIDEOnly {}
Start Up System without Database loaded per package require
startIDEWithDB {}
Start Up System with Database loaded per package require
startLoader {}
startUpIDE {}